Who Are We

When planning for a year – Sow corn
When planning for a decade – plant trees,
When planning for life – train and educate men

By Kwan Tsu

As rightly said, education is for whole life. We, at BBKV aims to built a strong
persona with high sense of morality, civic sense and patriotism in our children. We
follow a constructive plan to expose children to a wide range of Socio, cultural and
ethical values through which they explore their world and built a constructive
meaning of life and people around. As a school, we imbue five elements in our
children to fulfil the aspirations of a noble being.

Five Elements of Life and Five Elements of BBKV

Children are taught to respect self and others around. As this attitude will definitely lead to great altitude, children are given many examples of the greater souls by discussing stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Children are motivated to learn languages to develop their communication and expressions. Activities are chalked out to develop their language skills in all possible ways.
Children are taught to have great reverence for the motherland through songs, activities and teachings. They are stimulated visually and audibly to learn and develop great sense of admiration with their Mathrubhumi.
Children are made aware of their strengths and weaknesses and motivate to grow their best. Constant counselling sessions are given to develop their cognitive abilities and grow bold in nature.
Daya is a biggest quality of great nobles. Children are given guidance to handle their emotions and others around.